Our Impact

From funding innovative research to advocating for government action to providing a support structure for our community, no other organization does more to fight type 1 diabetes (T1D) than JDRF.


Our Programs

JDRF has supported me in many ways in various aspects throughout my life. It’s not just about raising funds and advancing science, it’s about supporting families. It’s about advocacy and getting CGM [continuous glucose monitoring] approved for the Medicare population. And it’s about this amazing network of individuals, who are brought together for a joint cause they are passionate about.

Jennifer Sherr, M.D., Ph.D.

Yale School of Medicine, JDRF-funded Researcher


The Outlook has Never Been Better

JDRF has changed the way we live with T1D. Everyday, we are learning more about the disease in an effort to end it once and for all.



Less than 50 years ago, insulins were derived from animals, and dosing was wildly inconsistent.

A close-up of an old-fashioned syringe loaded with insulin

Synthetic insulins with a range of speeds and durations offer the precision and flexibility to better balance blood-sugar levels.

A small, black zip-up pouch containing a syringe, a modern glucose monitoring device, and a small container of synthetic insulin



50 years ago, a prototype insulin pump was so large it had to be worn like a backpack.

A large, cumbersome backpack-style insulin pump from 50 years ago

Compact insulin pumps fit easily in a pocket—and they’ve gotten smarter too.

A woman raises the hem of her shirt to show a compact insulin pump attached to her lower back



30 years ago, there was no way to predict if someone would develop T1D.


It is possible to detect T1D before symptoms arise, avoiding adverse side effects.

A female researcher in a lab studies a vile of blood while standing in front of a sophisticated microscope

Beta Cell Biology


For decades, experts believed that beta cells stopped functioning altogether within a few years of T1D onset.


We know beta cells continue to function even after decades with T1D, and it might be possible to cure T1D by preserving or expanding these beta cells.

A flat, thin, oval-shaped beta cell capsule is shown next to a U.S. quarter, which is about one-fourth the length of the device

Diabetic Eye Disease


35 years ago, the risk of vision loss from diabetic eye disease was 50 percent.

A black-and-while photo of a doctor using an antiquated machine to study a patient's eyses

State-of-the-art care has cut the risk to 5 percent, and therapies to eliminate the remaining risk are in development.

A doctor in a while lab coat uses a sophisticated machine with a screen to view an image of a woman's eye

You Too Can Make a Difference

Without clinical trial volunteers, promising new therapies can’t get approved, and into the hands of people who need them. You can help by participating in a trial near you.


Leveraging Our Leadership: Increased Support for T1D Research

Through our advocacy and research leadership, JDRF influences and attracts others to support funding for cures and improving lives.

In fiscal year 2023, we drew $311M in additional funding and investments for T1D therapy research and development from partners in the private and public sectors. We refer to these funds as “leverage.”

This leverage is a key part of JDRF’s strategy to accelerate cures and life-improving therapies. It has empowered us to grow global support of and investment in T1D research.

  • JDRF | $138.4 million

    JDRF supporters helped raise $117.9M to fund JDRF research (grants, advocacy, and support). In addition, the JDRF T1D Fund invested $20.5M in small, T1D-focused companies.

  • NGOs and Foundations | $22.6 million

    JDRF works with other organizations to secure their support for key T1D programs. Some partner with us to invest funding or do so on their own based on our leadership.

  • Industry Partners and Investments | $124.8 million

    We collaborate with numerous industry partners—including pharmaceutical and technology companies—who also invest in T1D research. For fiscal year 2023, this includes $94.9M in funds invested by private entities alongside the JDRF T1D Fund, bringing new sources of capital to accelerate T1D cures.

  • Governments | $163.6 million

    JDRF advocates for additional funding from the United States government and international governments. Through the Federal Special Diabetes Program, JDRF secures more than $150M annually from the U.S. government.

Download our One Page document [PDF] to learn more about how JDRF globally maximizes each donation by attracting additional funding for cures research and advances to improve lives.

Watch Your Gift Grow

Your donation to JDRF is the crucial first step in the quest for a cure.